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Posted By Topic: USD-JPY Longer to Long-Term Outlook       - Views: 65
15-Sep 2014 Monday 10:40 AM (3668 days ago)               #1
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In the longer-term, the rise from October 2011 low of 75.563unfolded in an impulsive 5-wave rally which peaked at105.428earlier in the year. Technically, with the sustained break above 105.428, this market is deemed to have resumed its longer-term rise towards its longer-term targets including the 50% retracement of 147.680 to 75.563 at 111.637, the 61.8% retracement of 147.680 to 75.563 at 120.150as well as the 2006 high of 124.120.This bullish assessment has been enhanced by this week’s push above 107-yen to 107.383- its highest level this year.

USD-JPY Short to Medium Outlook

USD-JPY continues to power higher to its highest level this year with a print at107.383 on Friday. By the week’s closing, this market remained bid near the high.This placed near-term bias resolutely to the upside. The immediate target is the 361.8% extension of 75.563 to 84.172 from 77.119 at 108.266followed by the 50.0% retracement of 147.680 to 75.563 at 111.637 (refer to D1 chart). Based on the momentum seen lately, pullbacks

Buy between 106.630-106.709
Stop-Loss: Exit on H4 close below 106.630
Primary Target: 108.200
Secondary Target: 111.637

Sell between 106.027-106.146
Stop-Loss: Exit on H4 close below106.027
Primary Target: 108.200
Secondary Target: 111.637

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